Do I need a running coach?

When I started running, there were two schools of thought about my new hobby.

  1. Isn’t it boring?

  2. It’s so easy, you can just put your shoes on and head out

To a certain extent I’d say the answer is no to both of these points. By having a coach, you can help ensure that running doesn’t get boring for you, and that it is easy to get out running - staying safe and injury free.

Firstly, the boring bit. Running, like anything can be boring. A default pattern of running the same route at the same pace may eventually get boring; even if you are outside where I’d suggest that there’s always something different to see, there can still be an element of boredom. The human mind and body don’t much like change and the effort of making a change is hard.  A coach can help by suggesting different routes, different sessions and including variety in your training plan. This will keep you motivated and help you to keep going when you say, “I want to but…”.

Making it easy. In theory, it is really easy to lace up your running shoes and head out for a run, but from my experience, it’s not always that easy in reality. There are many decisions to be made before heading out – which route, what pace, what kit shall I wear, is the weather going to be better later, have I got time – and by working with a coach, some of these will evaporate. A coach will provide you with a training schedule that will work with your life, so you won’t need to decide which training session to do and when to do it. In some cases, your coach will run with you, but whether they are there or not the level of accountability is higher with a coach. By taking away some of the decisions, it definitely becomes easier to “just” lace up your shoes and head out.

If added motivation and accountability aren’t enough to persuade you of the benefits of a coach you will also benefit from a safe training plan – tailored to your specific goals – and personal advice to help you stay injury free and enjoying your running.

Book your initial consultation to start to create a specific training plan for you, to help you increase your distance safely for walking or running, or to help you Find your Fitness.




It’s just not cricket!