Tips, Advice and Info.
Sharing Stories and Knowledge.
Treadmill vs Outdoor Running
As the seasons change, consider how you can get the best out of your running training. Are you moving inside for the winter or does the thought of a gym cause you to go clammy in a claustrophoic sweat? There are pros and cons to both treadmill and outside running. Which is the best for you?
Run a mile
Why is the mile such a great distance to run and how can you use it to improve in all distances. Some fun running session ideas for beginner runners.
Warm ups and cool downs
Running warm ups shold be a vital part of your running session. Find out why.
Managing Stress
Massage is a great way to manage stress. In less than an hour, you will feel more relaxed, with reduced stress levels.
Spring gardening
If you’ve overdone it on your first foray into the garden this year, get some tips on how to manage gardening aches and pains. Massage can help relieve backache from gardening and you can get some tips on how to prevent injury in the future
Is running bad for your knees?
Common knee injuries from running and how to get back to running as soon as possible.
Training Plans
How do you know when to run if you’re learning to run or if you are training for a running race? Find out how a running training plan can help you whether you’re a beginner runner or a more advanced athlete
Runners’ Gift List
What kit might make your running training easier, or more likely to happen? 8 ideas for your Christmas running gift list. If you are starting running, joining a running group or working with a running coach, these gift ideas for runners will help you stick to your plan.
Running feet
Don’t forget about your feet when you are running training. Find out how to help avoid foot injury
The five best ways to recover from muscle soreness
Can sports massage help you recover from muscle soreness? Different ways to recover from a running training session
Rekindling your running mojo with the World Athletics Championships
How to rekindle your running motivation and get inspired to run
What to do if you don’t feel ready…
How to get over the feeling of not being ready for your next run, or not feeling in pain enough for your next massage
10 Tips to help you run into a headwind with ease
10 tips improve your run when face with a headwind. You can’t control the weather but you can change your running mindset and still get a beneficial workout
Race Fitness
How to be race fit and give yourself the best chance in your target running race.
Should I run during holidays?
Do you run on your holidays? Should you run on your holidays?