Running in the heat

It’s 30+degrees and although it will only last for a few days, it’s enough to disrupt your training plan. Here are my top tips for surviving your running in the heat:

  1. Change when you run. It is coolest in the early morning and later at night, if you can schedule your run for these times it will help you keep on track with your training

  2. Change where you run. If you can find a shady route, it really will make a difference, or head to the beach where it may be cooler.

  3. Run less. All training plans can be tweaked as you go along. Your body will be working harder in the heat so don’t worry if you need to reduce the intensity or volume of your session. A short-term change that keeps you healthy will be better than risking longer term damage

  4. Stay cool. Wear lighter coloured clothing to reflect the heat. Take some water with you and if necessary drip some on the back of your neck - an instant cooling effect

  5. Stay hydrated. Be aware and make sure you’ve taken on enough fluids before and after your run. Don’t overdo it, but take some extra gulps to support your bodies cooling system.

Stay safe out there and run sensibly!


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